Monday, July 21, 2014

Best Job in the World

Yesterday my kids were animals. They pretended to be monkeys, dogs and turtles. Today they are secret agent men. Last week they were doctors and the week before they were pilots. I get to watch their imaginations take them all over the world in our living room. They invent tools out of straws, books, paper towel rolls and string. I get to see their frustration when something doesn't work and their proud smiles when it does.

The days bring tears, shouts, laughter and whispers. They get mad at each other, mad at me and sometimes mad at themselves. At times they get so excited they can't contain themselves and other times they remain so calm, I worry. They dance around the house, chase bugs in the yard, meet new people when we go out and are always pondering why the world works the way it does. And I get to see it all. More than that really, I get to experience it all.

I know my kids hesitate before big decisions and my oldest gets embarrassed when I catch him talking to himself. I know what my kids like to eat for lunch and when they are getting tired. I know where every scrape, scratch and boo boo came from because I'm usually nearby to help kiss it. I know when to give them a moment and when they need a hug. Yet, everyday I learn something new about them.

I have the best job in the world.

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