Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wine O'clock.

Just because I'm on a tight budget does not mean I am going to forgo wine time. No sir. There are too many health benefits, such as keeping your sanity after a long day with the kids or numbing the pound of a headache from a screaming baby. And the other ones too, like blood pressure, antioxidants, you know, the health benefits the doctors talk about.

I may not be able to drop $20 on a bottle of wine but I can still enjoy a glass of a decent Merlot. Below is a list of my three favorite budget friendly wines. I must note though, if you're having a wine snob over for dinner, I probably wouldn't serve one of these. But if it's just you, you can learn to drink cheap wine and enjoy it. Trust me. Cheap wine is better than no wine.

1) Charles Shaw - "Trader Joes Three Buck Chuck" - $2.99

2) Rex-Goliath - $3.99 - They sell it at Wal-Mart. Don't judge. Trust me. It's decent.

3) Lucky Duck - $3.99 - This one is actually my new favorite.

Also, take a little time in the wine section of your local grocery store and see what's on sale. There is always a good deal going on where you can get a $12.99 bottle of wine for $7.99 and so forth. Take advantage of deals like this when you have to bring wine over to someone's house.

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