Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mommy Guilt

I've always had it, well since I've had kids that is. I've heard all moms have mommy guilt but I think it stems from different things and manifests for different reasons. I thought I was the only mom with mommy guilt related to "me time" but I overheard someone else talking about the exact guilt I feel. She was explaining that since she stays home with her kids and her husband works, she feels guilty leaving him with the kids when he gets home from work or on the weekends. I do the same thing. My husband doesn't mind taking "me time" for himself. I know lots of working moms that don't mind doing things on their own and leaving the kids with their husbands. So why do stay at home moms have this guilt? After a little thought, I think I may know why, or at least this might be why in my case.

First, I think as a stay at home mom, I know how hard it is. The kids can be difficult. It's hard work. It's exhausting and frustrating at times. I know my husband gets up everyday and goes to work and his job is hard and frustrating too. So when he comes home, I feel like he needs to relax. I shouldn't feel guilty taking time for myself but I do because it means that he has to take over my job when I leave. I shouldn't think of it this way, but I do.

Second, since my "job" doesn't earn an income, I feel guilty spending money on myself. When I have extra cash, I feel like I should spend it on the family - food, clothes for the kids, entertainment the whole family can enjoy. I have a hard time spending money on myself.

There is always guilt, I suppose. I just need to find a way to relax, hand over the keys, and find a way to make money being a stay at home mom.

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